Thursday, September 12, 2013

TBA reading 9.19

Hey all,

Here's some readings on Syria for next week. For a general background, see here. Here is an article that discusses Syria not in terms of Hutcheson/Smith, but in terms of John Stuart Mill, whose work in many ways builds on theirs.

We can always, of course, talk about issues in broader terms than the articles suggest. Also, feel free to email me with articles or anything else that seems interesting and I will post it on the blog as background for our discussion.

Update: for those interested in Smith's complex views on the relationship between selfishness, self-interest, benevolence, and morality, this article offers a good summary of various views of Smith's invisible hand and corrects some common misconceptions.

Update update: Nick writes with the following link to videos on Syria. Considering that video evidence and its emotional effects play such an important role in the ongoing debate, this is a good resource to consider. How exactly should we consider such video evidence? Does the sensationalist methods of appeal found in video more generally warp the debate? How so?

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